Hello, I'm Pavel Samsonov
I am a
Product Designer
Pavel Samsonov,
product designer
Linked Data dataset creation tool with parallel GUI and API workflows.
Using crowd computing to organize unstructured data in financial documents.
Retail experience that builds relationships between stores and customers.
A tool for human agents to support and train virtual assistants.
Interactive meeting space that helps banks build trust with their corporate clients.
The lab
My personal projects and experiments with innovative interfaces.

Design thinking, rigorous making

I am a product designer based in New York City, passionate about interactions between physical/digital environments and human/machine actors. Currently, I am helping Bloomberg create a better user and developer experience for our customers across all endpoints: UI, API, and the data itself.

End to end, team focused process

I love to work in cross-functional teams, alongside engineers and business analysts alike. With a background in human-computer interaction and visual design, I have an end-to-end understanding of what it takes to create an innovative product.

Rapid building, constant validating

My experience at startups and hackathons has taught me how to deliver stellar results in the most time-sensitive conditions. To help projects succeed, I seek feedback and buy-in from key stakeholders as part of my process, and champion design within the company.